
An Arizonan Reacts to the London Heat Wave

How Bad Was the London Heat Wave? As my daughter and I were ending our hike in the beautifully cool Scottish Highlands, several people cautioned us about the heat wave soon to hit London. We laughed. I live in southeast Arizona, in the Sonoran Desert, and my daughter lives in central Florida. Not only have we lived with hot weather, but we actually prefer it. It was supposed to be 100 deg F soon after…

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The Climate Crisis

Switching to a Tesla Model 3

Switching to a Tesla Model 3 What’s it like switching to a Tesla Model 3? Is it fun to drive? Are you happy you bought it? Do you feel better about your carbon footprint?     Awesome! Yes! Yes! Yes!   Buying the Tesla 3 I test drove a Nissan Leaf and was rather underwhelmed. Having owned a Datsun years ago, I was impressed with the company and went to the dealership, checkbook in hand.…

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